Are your taste buds ready for our Chilli Chilli Series?! It's finally launched now online and in-store. Pinxin Vegan's has been well-known for its spicy dishes. And because of this, we have now expanded our chilli sauces and are ready for you to bring them home! Simply add these irresistible condiments to your meals at home to make it even more awesome.
These heavenly sauces are all 100% homemade with all natural ingredients, no added colourings or preservatives. With that said, be sure to finish them fast once it’s opened.
Comes in 5 different flavours for you to choose from. Check out our sexy sauces below!
准备好让您的味蕾来挑战我们的【Chilli Chilli 吉利吉利】系列的辣椒酱吗?现在已正式开始在品馨店内与网站销售哦!品馨因擅长用辣椒制品烹饪美味的菜肴,如今我们推出了自制的辣椒酱好让大家可以将这些美味好康带回家!炒菜拌饭的时候放一勺,喝粥的时候加一点儿,您一定忍不住想尝第二口!
Swicy Chilli
Beautifully blended savoury spices with a sweet flavour that adds thrill to your casual day. It starts out sweet, then delivers a spicy kick which makes it addictively delicious. The Sweet Heat goes well with almost anything at all.
Mala Chilli
Feeling adventurous? Awaken your senses with our feisty Mala Chilli! No kidding, they’re mad spicy with a unique savoury taste. Be ready to spice up your favourite noodle or bowl of soup.
喜欢冒险的刺激感?无辣不欢的您快来挑战我们的 “极力吉利”麻辣辣椒,独特的咸香辣味,将唤醒你的感官世界!这款辣椒酱绝对是餐桌必备,准备好给你最喜欢的面条或汤加点刺激感吧!
Sambal Chilli
Need to spice up your life? Satisfy your taste buds with this mixture of spicy hot, sour, salty and a subtle sweet taste. Smack your lips in anticipation of an awesome meal! Add this sambal as a condiment or fry them with your favourite vegetable!
Zesty Chilli
This house dip brings a whole new depth to your taste buds! Taste sweet, sour and spicy all at the same time. It heats up your tongue from medium to high level. Best served with your warm pot of steamboat.
Satay Chilli
Mildly spicy, sweet with a subtle hint of saltiness. Indulge in the rich texture of peanuts and various spices that burst into flavours in one’s palate. Best dipped with satay skewers and fresh cucumbers!

*Just add ONE Homemade Healthy Chopstick Noodle in your cart when you checkout
*只需将一个 Homemade Healthy Chopstick Noodle 加进您的购物车就可以了